Friday, May 20, 2011

Writers and Authors

Very few people possess true artistic ability. It is therefore both unseemly and unproductive to irritate the situation by making an effort. If you have a burning, restless urge to write or paint, simply eat something sweet and the feeling will pass.-- Fran Lebowitz

I believe this quote is true. The proof lies within the overabundance of modern books. Last year alone, over half a million books were published. Can anyone even think of that many titles? There are too many books being written by people who can't write. Period. The reason there are too many books is that too many people think that they are authors, when most of us are writers. Writers are people who write down thoughts and ideas, while authors are creators of thoughts and ideas. Writers are like the people that take you on a boat to go whale watching. Authors are like the people on the Discovery channel taking you into the ocean with the whales. What would I consider myself? At the moment, I am  writer. I would love to be an author one day, even if I am not a great one. I know that I am not even close to there yet, and that I might never get there. I have no desire to add to the meaningless fluff of modern American literature. To those writers out there, please hear me. If you have an authentic talent, like so few do, then please continue to write. If you are among the majority of average individuals who don't have that talent and yet feel the urge to portray their thoughts and life stories, buy a journal and keep it locked... Please. Personally, I am still unsure whether or not I posses "true artistic ability", whether or not I have what it takes to be an author. Until then, I will have to keep writing, and eating chocolate.

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